Learn how to make the most of Eat App's powerful CRM tool

Eat App features a full fledged CRM solution for restaurants looking to better understand their customers and segment them for marketing purposes.


Accessing your advanced CRM

To access your CRM, navigate to the guest tab and click "Advanced Guest Reports" on the top right. This will open a new tab where you will be able to view your entire guest database.


Use the search bar to find guests based on their name, email, or phone number.


Filter your guests based on the following criteria

Once filtered and sorted, press "Show Results" to get an updated list of your guests based on the criteria you've selected.

Column Configuration

Use this to choose which columns you want to view in your report, maybe you are only interested in their name, phone number, and email address rather than seeing every single data point.

Add/Remove Tags

Once you've filtered through your guests, you can use this to add and remove tags in bulk to your guests.