Moving from another system to Eat App? Here's how to upload your guest database.

If you are new to Eat App or maybe just have a list of old guests laying around that you've been meaning to upload to Eat App, you'll be pleased to know that the process is relatively easy.

How to upload your guests to Eat App

You'll need to take the following three steps to get your guests uploaded.

  1. Download our guest template below.

    Eat App Guest Import Template.xlsx

  2. Import all your guests into the excel sheet and make sure they follow the format defined in the file. If you are having any trouble with a particular column, switch over to the "Instructions" tab at the bottom of the sheet.

    Note: You must have at least the guest's first name for us to be able to import them into Eat App. Without a first name, we will not be able to upload that guest.

  3. Once you're complete, save the excel file with your name in it.

    1. Example: Pizza-Kitchen-Cafe-Guest-Import-Template.xlsx
  4. You then can either send it to us through the support tab within Eat App or by emailing it to [email protected]. Make sure to inform us that you are sending this file to be uploaded to Eat App along with your restaurant name and contact details in case we have any questions.

Additional Resources

The following articles will help you make the most of Eat App.

Guest Management

Guest Messaging

Guest Reviews

Restaurant Tags