Learn how to make the most of Eat App's payment integration

Eat App's payment integration is a powerful tool that helps restaurant operators

Requesting Payments from Guests

Once your restaurant is subscribed to the payments add-on. You will instantly be able to utilize the full capabilities of payments at your restaurant.

Our payment integration allows restaurant owners to collect payments in one of two methods:

  1. By assigning a payment rule to a specific shift (eg: brunch)
  2. Manually generating payment links from your table management system

Setting up payment rules

To set up a payment rule for one of your shifts, start by navigating to admin.eatapp.co. From here click the "Features" tab. Then navigate to the "Payment Rules" sub tab and click "Add new payment rule on the bottom left hand side".

This page will allow you to create custom payment rules which you can later attach to a specific shift.

You will need to provide the following information:

  1. Name: The name of this payment rule (eg: $10 deposit for Friday Brunch)
  2. Rule Type: There are three rule types that you can select for payment rules
    1. Lump: ****A lump amount attached to every booking made with this payment rule
    2. Per Cover: An amount required per cover associated with the reservation
    3. Package: The user has to pay the amount attached to the selected package
  3. Charge Type: There are three charge types that you can select for payment rules
    1. Smart: (Recommended) If the reservation start time is within 7 days from the time the booking is captured, the payment will be held only. If the start time is greater than 7 days, the payment will be captured directly
    2. Authorisation: The payments will always be authorized. Authorized payments can expire (eat will notify you of these details before hand)
    3. Pre Payment: The payments will always be captured. If any refunds are required, there may be additional charges