When your restaurant gets busier than anticipated, Eat App's waitlist feature is a quick and easy method to unload some of that pressure from your restaurant capacity.

How to add a guest to your waitlist?

Guests can be added in one of two ways using Eat App.

  1. By clicking "Add to Waitlist" from the bottom of the waitlist tab in floor view

  2. By toggling "Waitlist" as the reservation type when creating a reservation from any view. This method is similar to creating a standard reservation except for the addition of the new reservation field "Wait" in which you'll need to assign how long the guest is expected to be waiting for.

It's important to note that when either of these methods are used to create a new waitlist entry, an SMS is automatically triggered to your guest with their estimated wait time.

How to manage a waitlist entry

Waitlists can be managed exactly in the same way you manage reservations at your restaurant. The only difference is that when viewing your list of waitlists, instead of seeing the start time of the reservation, you will now see the time the guest was added to the waitlist. Underneath this time is a timer that either counts up to the quote time or down from the quote time.

The waitlist tab can be sorted by:

Messaging a Waitlist

When you are ready to seat a guest that is on the waitlist, head to the waitlist entry and click on the message icon at the bottom of the reservation details. This will send an SMS to the guest that their table is ready.