Grid is a powerful guest flow management tool built right into Eat App.

A common problem restaurants might be facing now more than ever is seating too many walk-ins without keeping track of their restaurant capacity. Due to various government regulations, restaurants are only allotted a certain percentage of their maximum capacity at any given time to encourage social distancing.

With grid view, restaurant operators can easily manage their restaurant capacity through the easy to operate time interval interface. Reservations in grid are split into hourly intervals that are segmented into 15 minute time slots, giving your restaurant staff a granular look at your restaurant occupancy over the day.

As with any other view in Eat App, you can also use the filters bar at the top of the screen to fine tune the reservations you are looking at.

Additional Resources

The following articles will help you make the most of Eat App.

Seating Guests

Managing Reservations


Reservation Conflicts

Restaurant Shifts

Reservation Filters