Learn how to customize your online booking widget

Your booking widget is an extension of your online brand identity and should provide a seamless experience for your customers from the moment they land on your website to the moment they've made their reservation.

Accessing your widget configuration

To customize your restaurant booking widget, start by navigating to the settings tab from the bottom left hand side corner of Eat App and then click "Advanced settings" on the top right.

From your restaurant's advanced settings, click on the widget tab on the top right handside.

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From here, you'll be able to easily access your booking widget link, your booking widget iframe code to embed on your website as well as the "Config" tab which contains all your widget's customizable settings and features.

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Setting up a widget configuration

Once in the "Config" tab of your advanced settings, click the "Add New Widget Config" button on the bottom left hand side. This will allow you to create a custom widget set up that you can choose to toggle on or off at any given time.

<aside> 💡 Create multiple widget configurations for different use cases in advance and cycle between them when needed.


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From the widget configuration settings, you'll be able to assign