Learn how to block hours using Eat App

The ability to block reservations on the fly is very important for restaurant owners that are constantly dealing with operational changes or get fully booked on the regular. In addition to being able to edit your shifts whenever required, Eat App also features a simple operational hour blocking tool.

How to Block Restaurant Hours?

To block restaurant hours on the fly, click on the "Operating Hours" dropdown on the top right.

You can now block hours for the current day you are viewing.

Start Block Time: The time you want to start the block

End Block Time: The time you want to end the block

Online vs. In House: You can also choose to block only online or only in house or all reservations.

<aside> 💡 You can also add/edit blocked hours through the advanced settings page.


Additional Resources

The following articles will help you make the most of Eat App.

Restaurant Users

Permissions and Preferences